Wednesday, February 25, 2009

SPJ Convention Internship


Newspaper Internship for SPJ Convention

Deadline: April 17, 2009 

SPJ is looking for a few good (no, GREAT!) student journalists to staff The Working Press, a daily tabloid that covers the annual Convention and National Journalism Conference. The position is great for professional development and internship experience.

This year's convention will be August 27-29 in Indianapolis. The convention is an annual event organized by SPJ to provide journalists across the country with career training, networking opportunities and much more. Selected interns will need to arrive in Indianapolis by noon Wednesday, August 26. The internship ends Sunday, August 30.

For selected interns, SPJ provides:

- Complimentary convention registration

- Complimentary accommodations at convention hotel

- Mentoring by professional journalists

- Networking venues

- A place to showcase your talents in front of many professionals

Interested? Visit the SPJ Web site for more information and application instructions. Applications must be postmarked by April 17, 2009.

Contact Professional Development Coordinator Heather Porter with questions: 317-927-8000 ext. 204 or

We hope to see you in Indianapolis!

Ohio SPJ Awards deadline extended

Deadline extended to March 20 for ‘09 Ohio SPJ Awards

(A program of the Cincinnati, Cleveland & Central Ohio pro chapters)

The postmark deadline for entering this year's competition has been extended to March 20, 2009. 

A printed copy of this year's Call for Entries is included in Ohio's Best Journalism, which was mailed in January. 

An online version of the official 2009 Call for Entries, including entry forms, is available at

Mail your entries, postmarked by March 20, 2009, to: Ohio SPJ Awards, 1331 South High Street, Columbus, OH 43207.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

NABJ Event

The National Association of Black Journalists at OSU is having a Minority Media Panel on Thursday, March 5 at 6:30-8pm in the Frank Hale Black Cultural Center Hall of Fame room.

The professional panelists include:
Jerry Revish, Ch. 10 anchor

Tanisha Mallet, Ch. 10 reporter
The CEO of FlyPaper Magazine
Mike Jackson, NBC4 anchor
Charles Busby, NBC 4 photojournalist
Tanya Hutchins, NBC4 digital journalist
Kerry Charles, ABC6 producer

Simone Sebastian, Columbus Dispatch reporter

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ohio SPJ Awards 2009 - Call for Entries

Society of Professional Journalists

Ohio SPJ Awards 2009

Call for Entries
To Honor the Best of Ohio's Print, Broadcasting, Online, Trade and College Journalism

The Ohio SPJ Awards competition, presented collaboratively by the Cincinnati, Columbus and Cleveland Chapters of SPJ, honors print, broadcast, online, trade and college journalists in Ohio for their best work during 2008 to both serve the public interest and to protect press freedom. Categories have been revised to better reflect the changing challenges of journalism. 

This is the only Ohio competition that honors journalists who fulfill the SPJ mission, defense of the First Amendment, support of literacy, resistance to censorship, advocacy for openness of public records and meetings, media self-criticism and community service. This program also recognizes the best college daily and weekly newspapers, and awards up to $2,000 in scholarships for excellent college journalistic writing in news, feature, sports and opinion.  Deadline: Entries must be postmarked by February 27, 2009. 

ELIGIBILITY: Journalists are eligible who work for print and broadcast mediums in Ohio, and mediums in adjacent states that have significant reach into Ohio. Entrants need not be members of the Society of Professional Journalists. The work must have been published or broadcast in 2008.  

ABOUT SPJ:  The Society of Professional Journalists is the nation's most broad-based journalism organization, dedicated to encouraging the free practice of journalism and stimulating high standards of ethical behavior. Founded in 1909 as Sigma Delta Chi, SPJ promotes the free flow of information vital to a well-informed citizenry through the daily work of its nearly 10,000 members; works to inspire current and future journalists through professional development; and advocates for the protection of the First Amendment guarantee of freedom of speech and press. 

WHAT SPJ DOES: Nationally, SPJ improves and protects journalism through national and local training, freedom of Information advocacy and resources, its Code of Ethics that encourages responsible reporting, a web site filled with career resources, and a national recognition program for excellence in journalism.  Local SPJ chapters provide programs relevant to a city or region. Check to for membership information, and to find a chapter near you. 


    Student material published in student publications or broadcast on student radio or television stations is eligible for either college or professional categories, but not both

    Student-produced material that is published in a professional publication or broadcast on a professional radio or television station is only eligible for professional categories.

    Scholarships are awarded only in the college categories. 


    SPJ chapters in other states will conduct judging. All decisions of judges are final.

    By entering, entrants and their employers agree that entries or excerpts may be published in the Ohio SPJ Awards Program Booklet, in future year entry materials, on the websites of Ohio SPJ, or the Cincinnati, Columbus and Cleveland SPJ chapters, or in program publicity.

    Make checks payable to SPJ, and mail with entries to Ohio SPJ Awards, 1331 South High Street, Columbus, OH 43207.

    Deadline: Entries must be postmarked by February 27, 2008. 



Best College Daily Newspaper - For the best student newspaper or publication published regularly 3 or more times a week. Enter three issues. NO ENTRY FEE. 

Best College Non-daily Newspaper - For the best student newspaper or publication published regularly up to twice a week. Enter three issues. NO ENTRY FEE. 

Best College News Writing - One $500 scholarship will be awarded to the college journalist who show the most promise as a news writer, print or broadcast, through published or aired stories and academic standing. Ohio students only. Student entry fee: $10.  Submit two or more stories, a recommendation from an advisor/teacher, and a grade report. 

Best College Feature Writing - One $500 scholarship will be awarded to the college journalist who show the most promise as a feature writer, print or broadcast, through published or aired stories and academic standing. Ohio students only. Student entry fee: $10. Submit two or more stories, a recommendation from an advisor/teacher, and a grade report. 

Best College Sports Writing - One $500 scholarship will be awarded to the college journalist who show the most promise as a sports writer, print or broadcast, through published or aired stories and academic standing. Ohio students only. Student entry fee: $10.  Submit two or more stories, a recommendation from an advisor/teacher, and a grade report. 

Best College Opinion Writing - One $500 scholarship will be awarded to the college journalist who show the most promise as a opinion writer, print or broadcast, through published or aired opinion pieces and academic standing. Ohio students only. Student entry fee: $10.  Submit two or more stories, a recommendation from an advisor/teacher, and a grade report.

Entry Fee:  $10 per each entry in each writing category.  No entry fee for newspaper categories.  Make check payable to SPJ.  Mail check with entries to Ohio SPJ Awards, 1331 South High Street, Columbus, OH 43207. Deadline:  Postmarked by February 27, 2009.

SPJ Region 4 Conference

Perhaps you made a resolution for this new year. Maybe it’s to drop a few extra pounds, quit an unhealthy habit or something in between. Many resolutions seem to center around personal improvement.

This year, why not resolve to better your personal AND professional skills? And hey, there’s no exercise, dieting or nicotine patches required!

SPJ members in Region 4 (Michigan, Ohio, West Virginia, Western Pennsylvania) are invited to attend the Region’s Spring Conference, April 3-4 in Columbus, Ohio, taking place at the Double Tree Worthington. The special hotel room rate for the conference is $94. You can reserve a room now by clicking here.

All journalists in the region are welcome, with special discounts for SPJ members and students.

Registration fees: $70 professional SPJ member; $45 student SPJ member; $80 professional nonmember; $55 student nonmember.

On the schedule will be professional development sessions, the Regional Mark of Excellence Awards luncheon, a Friday night happy hour and a keynote address by Miami Herald columnist Leonard Pitts.

Don’t delay – mark your calendars now! More information will be available in the upcoming weeks from the Central Ohio Pro Chapter, host of this year’s conference. Updates will be forthcoming at the chapter’s Web site,

For more information, please contact Katy Waters at 614-220-5468 or

And remember, this year you can do something good for yourself and your career – and SPJ will be with you every step of the way.


Hey all,

As you can see, we have started a blog for the Ohio State Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists. I will be updating this blog from time to time with chapter news. 

If you have any suggestions for posts please email me at

