Sunday, October 24, 2010

Welcome back!

Hi Future Journalists!

Welcome to a new year with SPJ at Ohio State!

We have a lot of exciting things planned for this year, including guest speakers and celebrating SPJ's 100th anniversary. And with a new year comes new leadership, so meet your new Ohio State SPJ officers!

President: Molly Gray

"I am a senior studying journalism and international studies. I have worked for The Lantern for three years as a sports writer, arts editor, graphics editor and managing editor of design. I have aspirations to work for a newspaper doing international reporting. After I graduate in June, I hope to attend graduate school in the D.C. area."

Vice President: Zack Meisel
"I am a senior journalism/econ double major with an undying passion for sportswriting that's constantly challenged by neverending disappointment and heartbreak from my hometown Cleveland sports teams. I'll be entering my second year as sports editor for The Lantern in the fall and hope to continue to pursue a career in the field of sports journalism after graduation. This summer, I interned with the Cleveland Indians in the communications department."

Treasurer: Noah Brown

"I am a senior studying public affairs journalism, with a minor in Political Science. I am a member of the Politics Society and Laws Scholars Group. I hope to one day get into sports writing and broadcasting. I would love to be a baseball broadcaster, or to have my own sports radio talk show, probably in the Philadelphia area."

Relations Executive: Lauren Hallow

"I am (sadly) in my last year at Ohio State, where I am majoring in public affairs journalism and minoring in criminology. This is my second year writing for The Lantern, and this summer, I interned in the newsroom of WGN Radio. My dream is to write for a newspaper, but I'll work in any newsroom, really--print, radio, or television. I think I'm cool enough to make a difference..."

We had our first meeting a couple weeks ago, where we met representatives from The Lantern and Ology magazine. Keep an eye on the blog for information on future meetings, as well as links to journalism resources and general information on SPJ.

Hope to see you at our next meeting!